Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trip back East

After my long 9 months of school, stress and divorce I decided I needed a road trip... so we went East!! I have never been further than Denver, CO so this was so awesome!! So we packed up the truck, and drove 3300 miles in 5 days. We left Vernal and headed through Colorado, Steamboat Springs and up over Rabbit Ears which was so BEAUTIFUL!! The leaves were so incredible. We went through Walden, CO (and I wished I took a pic) but they had a little Aluminum OnE-door fire station! It was hilarious!! The second night we stayed in Lima, Ohio and at 1230 in the morning the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the hotel, Caeden thought all the firetrucks were pretty cool. I was slighty (okay REALLY) annoyed that the cook put the hot oily rag in the trash can.
We arrived in Lakeview, Ohio on Friday, ate at McDonalds (had to appease Caeden) for breakfast and their McDonalds had a pier that you could go out on and feed the catfish and carp! We turned around and got headed back west that afternoon after seeing what we wanted to in Lakeview. We had to drive through Indianapolis and I was driving.... lets just say I had a minor (totally MaJoR) anxiety attack because the traffic was HORRIBLE and I almost killed us a few times!! We stayed just outside St Louis that night so we could see the arch and Mississipi during the daylight. We ate a some hometown cafe and I ate fried okra- (not bad if you can get past the slimy texture) and swiss steak that way mamma back east cooks it- OMG SO GOOD!!! Also scooped up some homemade pie and some Amish (we were in Amish country) apple butter.
The next morning onto St Louis- what an amazing city! The arch was incredible and so was the Mississippi river! When you drive across it, your stomach drops it is so large and beautiful! St. Louis is somewhere I would love to go on vacation, there is so much to see, there are a lot of old buildings and its really a pretty place. The leaves back east are different than in Utah, the colors are more of a rusty looking- it was really a site to see!
Next stop on Saturday was Winterset, Iowa. Home of John Wayne!! (Anyone who knows how much I love John- he is right next to George Strait) This was such a cute little town that worships John Wayne, and they are getting ready to build a John Wayne museum which I will have to go back and see!.
It was such a good vacation, no agenda, just sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery! (However I am okay if I never see another corn field as long as I live! That was 98% of the scenery). The worse part of going on vacation is coming home... so until the next trip back to reality!!
Happy October everyone!!

St Louis Arch (if you want to hear a funny story ask me how I got this pic)
Leaves were so amazing!

Cabela's in Sidney, Nebraska. These ducks almost took off my head when they were flying in for Caeden to feed them. He thought it was pretty cool
My Man #2
Where John Wayne was born
John Wayne van

Home of the Super Bowl

Goodbye Ohio- back to Utah!