OMG!!! What a week its been! First of all, the good news, I got
AcCePtEd to RN school!!!
Yay!! Its been a totally crazy week since then so anyone I overlooked in sharing my good news I am sorry! Last year I had this crazy idea to throw a Halloween party at Basin Clinic so this year I was
BrIbEd (really- begged) to do another one. Wow- crazy but it was so much fun. The only bad thing was I was the one left to clean up the mess when it was all over, but being that I wont be working there next year it was all good. I was going to be a scarecrow but 2 hours before the party my sister in law Monica (who is the greatest by the way- she is a kid at heart in someways) calls me and says "Lets go as Fairy's!" (
Haha right?) so I dug out my old prom dresses and we went as
Fairys- was actually a lot of fun. I got the bright idea to use
Brynlee's play makeup for my costume and literally had to scrape it off with a butter knife that stuff is like GLUE on your face!
We also made a haunted house- this was actually a lot of fun, the kids had a blast. Then we hit the ward Trunk-or-Treat which was a TON of fun this year! They had games, chili dogs, hot chocolate, family pictures, a bon-fire, the whole nine yards. Thanks to the party planners in the ward!! Couldn't have been any funner! Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Now its onward to Thanksgiving and then Christmas..... oh boy!