I really HATE January, its frigid cold, still snowing and I get so depressed from the weather... so to fix any chance of that ;) we went down south for a few days. My family was having a get together in Mesquite so we stayed there for two nights, gambled a little (Boyd showed me how to play 21 and I can see how people get addicted- winning money is fun!) and then Saturday Boyd and I loaded up the kids and went to Hoover Dam and then back to St George for the night. Mesquite has really slowed down we even had a hard time finding somewhere to eat! The pool was closed at the hotel so we went to the park on Friday, just to soak up some sun. Hoover Dam was great!! Caeden just had his tonsils out last week so he was a little booby that is why he is not in very many pics, he wasnt being very cooperative of my picture taking.
The turbines of the power plant down in the dam
St. George is definatley a more kid-friendly place than Mesquite... we swam in the pool, ate at the Pizza Factory and enjoyed a good night sleep! The sun did us all a lot of good..... if I had a lot of money I would for sure buy a condo in the warm weather! But now Januray is over and on to Feb we go! Hope everyone is doing well!! Lots of love from our family to yours!!!