Hope everyone had as good of a Christmas and holiday season as we did!! I have been so slow on getting a new post up so bare with me there are a lot of pics!! There has been so much going on around this house that I can't even believe how fast Christmas came this year! The kids both went with their dad on Christmas eve but they came home at noon on Christmas and the festivities began! I worked at the Care Center until eleven and made it home just in time for the kids to get there. I LOVE working at the care center, it was so nice to be there on a holiday and bring a little cheer to my little people's lives. That is one thing that I love about the holidays~ that people are out helping other people which doesn't happen year round. On Christmas eve there is a program here in Vernal called "Helping Hands" where people from the community prepare a meal and we deliver it to elderly and families who aren't able to have a good Christmas dinner. Boyd (my new man :) ) and I went and delievered several of these meals around town and let me tell you if you want to get into the Christmas spirit- what a way to do it!! Thanks to all the people and volunteers that helped make Christmas special for so many!!
Brynlee's new vest & pink shirt- of course we had to model!
(And Boyd got me a goose-down coat that matched the purple!!)
Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. I love the pics of your new man :) He looks like he is so sweet to you. Miss ya!!