We went to Flaming Gorge camping for the 4th. Lots of happenings up there, the antique car show, fireworks at Dutch John (which is a really good fireworks show by the way). Our friends Nichole and Robert came and tented it with us and they have a boat we went and cruised the Gorge and swam- great weather other then the little bit of rain that chased us off the lake.
Caeden going on the big potty for the first time!!!
(This really made my weekend SO much better!)
The goats were happy to see Ellecia- they were getting fed well.
Dave and Caeden at Dyer mine Cabin
I told the kids to try and find a lizard (honestly... I didnt know there were lizards here, I was just sending them out to do something!!) and they came back with one!!!!! So Dave helped them tame it... very entertaining. DONT send your kids to look for something unless you really want it to be found! A valuable lesson! Haha
Fun pictures! Looks like you guys are enjoying your summer right! That lizard story is dang funny!